While the topic of septic systems typically comes up in association with your restroom, your septic treats ALL of the water from your home. Including the laundry room. Septic systems and laundry can have a complicated relationship, depending on your habits.
Everyone has their own laundry techniques. However, practicing preventative, septic-safe habits preserves your septic tank and system.
If you are looking for ways to keep your septic system working better and longer, look to your laundry room and habits.

Septic Systems and Laundry — What You Need to Know to Preserve Your System
Septic systems and laundry either get along great — or destroy each other. Your washer machine pumps large amounts of water into your septic tank and quickly. While not preventable, if you want clean clothes and linens, there are a few things you can do to help your septic system and laundry get along.
Use Septic-Safe Laundry Detergent
Your septic tank is responsible for capturing all of the water and detergent dispensed from your washing machine. Many soaps can destroy the bacteria that exist in your septic tank.
In the case of a septic tank, the presence of bacteria keeps your septic healthy and functioning. Naturally occurring bacteria break down waste and improve the overall performance of the system. Using septic-safe laundry detergents cleans your clothes while not disturbing your tank’s natural processes.
Use Less Bleach
Bleach is essential for cleaning whites, but it’s stronger than detergent — and designed to kill bacteria. Bleach kills off crucial bacteria in your septic tank.
If you must use bleach, be conservative in its use. Measuring the amount of bleach you need for each load instead of pouring an unmeasured amount of bleach in your washing machine goes a long way.
Spread Out Your Laundry Days
One way to keep the peace between your septic system and laundry? Do laundry less often.
Say your washing machine uses at least 30 gallons of water per load (like most modern machines). That means with just five loads; you’ll be using at least 150 gallons of water.
That’s a lot of water and chemicals flooding your system at once. Spreading out your laundry days will help you to limit the amount of water and detergent your septic tank consumes at once.
Install a Lint Filler
Lint cannot be broken down by a septic tank. It binds into a hard solid and sits in your septic tank, causing clogs. Luckily, lint filters are incredibly affordable, and it only takes a few minutes to install.
Give Us a Call Today if Your Septic System is Underperforming!
All of the above septic systems and laundry tips help you increase your septic system’s performance. If you are having issues with your septic tank, remember to give us a call at (352) 242-6100 today.