According to industry standards, septic tanks should be pumped approximately every 3-5 years. Ideally, tanks shouldn’t be allowed to fill past 30-50% of their capacity. If you’ve recently had your septic tank pumped, you may be left scratching your head as to why it’s full again.
The first step to resolving this issue is to diagnose the problem, which often calls for the help of professional septic technicians. They can come out and inspect your system and determine the culprit of the prematurely filled tank.
Reasons Why You Have a Full Septic Tank
Homeowners attempting to troubleshoot their septic issues should consider some common issues what we see throughout our years as a professional septic company. While you never want to self-diagnose, this may give you some insight into problems that are arising.
Excessive Water Usage
Like any system, your septic tank needs time to work. If you’re using so much water to the point that your system can’t keep up, this can lead to a full septic tank. The inbound flow of water is more than the outbound.
If you haven’t been using more water than usual lately, this could be a sign that you have a back-up in the system from your drain field. Water isn’t able to leave the septic tank as easily, leading to the septic tank filling up.
Clogged Pipes
A clog can prevent your septic system from working as it should, which then can lead to a backfilled tank or wastewater not making it to your tank. It can be difficult to find the source of the clog or where it’s located within the system without the proper tools. If you’ve noticed that your sinks are slow to drain, this can be an indication that the clog is leading away from your home. If the clog is located near the tank’s filter, this can result in sewage being backed up and should be cleared as soon as possible.
Drain Field Needs Maintenance
Drain fields are where the treated water goes once it has been released from your septic tank. Sometimes, the field is unable to filter the volume of water coming from your septic system and this leads to the tank becoming overfilled. This can be due to heavy rainfall that has saturated the ground to the point that it’s unable to absorb additional liquid. Even if your tank was just pumped, it can quickly refill if the field is not working as it should.
Full Septic Tank Versus Normal Level
Keep in mind, just because your septic tank was recently pumped doesn’t mean the tank should be empty. Septic tanks have standard operating levels and after they’ve been pumped, they should return to their normal liquid level. Visually, this may seem “full” to homeowners.
It comes down to where the septic tank contents reside compared to the outlet pipe. If you can visualize the pipe, the level of the tank is normal. If the pipe is not visible, meaning the liquid level is above the outlet, then your tank is overfilled and this can be cause for concern.
Septic tanks will inevitably reach a point where a pump is required due to the buildup of sludge and solid waste material. For most households, this is between 3-5 years. The pumps may need to be more frequent depending on how many people live within the home and who consistently use the septic system.
Septic Tank Full? Call Us Today!
If you’ve recently had your septic tank pumped and it’s suddenly full again, call Advanced Septic Services. We’ll be happy to take a look. We will inspect your tank, system, and drain field to determine the culprit of the problem and provide you with a solution.