Trying to tactfully remind guests to stop flushing items down the toilet? Use these septic system bathroom signs and poems to help protect your sensitive plumbing (and provide a laugh or two).

Septic System Bathroom Signs

septic tank bathroom signPlease do not throw anything in toilet except toilet paper.
Our septic system thanks you!

only flush paper signIf you didn’t eat it or drink it
then don’t flush it
(…except for toilet paper).

Clogging our septic is a serious issue,
so PLEASE, flush only toilet tissue

Do Not Flush Rules For Sensitive Plumbing

sensitive plumbing signOur home has
sensitive plumbing.
Thanks for flushing toilet tissue only.

This house utilizes a septic system.
Please do not dispose of food, coffee grounds,
wipes, napkins, paper towels, tissues,
feminine products or hair in the sink or toilet.

dont flush girly thingsPlease don’t flush girly things down the toilet.

Funny Septic Tank Signs and Poems

funny septic tank signPlease Do Not Flush
Paper Towels
Tissues & Wipes
Sanitary Products
Cell Phones
Kittens & Puppies
Dead Goldfish
Old Love Letters
Hopes & Dreams
Thank You!

Only toilet paper
and poo
are to go down
this loo

Flushing tampons is punishable by death.

All us folks with septic tanks
Give to you our heartfelt thanks
for putting nothing in the pot
that isn’t guaranteed to rot.
Kleenex is bad,
Matches too.
Cigarette butts are taboo.
No plastics please – use the basket.
There’s a darned good reason why we ask it!

Just a note to let you know,
About the things you should not throw,
Into the toilet next to this sink,
Unless you want this house to stink.
Our septic tank should not face,
No towels, napkins or hand-woven lace.
No chimpanzees, no fruit or toys,
Should grace our plumbing with unwanted noise.
These simple rules we think you will find
Will avoid those smells you just might mind.