We have said it once, and we will say it again: your septic system has a dirty job. A dirty job that requires all the different components to work together – efficiently — for your septic to properly treat the waste and waster water from your home or business.
If one of those parts isn’t functioning well, it could spell trouble for your system.
While many of us think of the two significant septic components, the septic tank, and drain field, we don’t often think about the septic pump that connects them.

What Does Your Septic Pump Do?
Located either inside the tank or right outside it, the pump moves water from the tank into your drainfield for its final treatment.
As your tank fills up with waste and wastewater, naturally occurring bacteria and gravity work together to separate the solids from the liquid. As the liquid layer at the top of the tank grows, it will eventually trigger the pump to remove some water to give the tank more space to work.
Typically, these septic pumps last for around ten years. Your pump could need repairing or replacing before the 10-year mark depending on household factors like usage and do-not-flush rules.
If your septic system pump stops running efficiently (or altogether), it leaves the wastewater trapped in the tank. This leads to backups or premature septic tank pump-outs.
Signs of a Failing or Worn Septic Pump
Like with all things septic, it’s important to identify small inefficiencies before they become big problems. Staying in tune with your system could mean saving money on costly repairs. Take a look at a few signs that could indicate trouble for your septic system pump.
You Can Hear Your Pump Working
Most folks may not have a visual on their septic pump, but if you start to hear something that isn’t seen, that could be a sign of a problem.
While the pumps make some noise, it’s time to put your septic company on notice if you notice a change. Grinding noises could indicate that the pump’s impeller is damaged or clogged, while a louder than normal motor sound could indicate a bearing issue.
Like noises, if you can feel your septic system pump working, then it’s working too hard or too inefficiently. While slight vibrations are normal, excessive vibrations or shaking means something within the pump isn’t up to snuff.
Irregular Timing
Your septic pump should only come on when it’s ready to flush water out of your septic tank. Over time, you’ll get a feel for when that happens.
But, if you notice your tank turning on at unexpected moments or if it’s constantly running, you have an issue. It could be that the trigger is catching too early. It could also mean that it’s time for a septic pump-out if it triggers the septic pump every time you flush your toilet.
Whatever the reason, it’s time to call in a septic professional.
Septic Backups
The worst-case scenario here, but if your septic pump is completely clogged or not turning on at all, it can lead to septic backups in your home. If the wastewater cannot exit the tank, as it fills up, the waste eventually has no place to go leading to clogged drains and backups.
Luckily, this is the worst-case scenario. Hopefully, you noticed the other warning signs before you got here.
Keeping Your Septic System in Shape
Over time, your septic systems begin to show signs of age and wear. And that’s just part of being a septic owner. The trick to being a great septic owner is noticing the early warning signs of aging parts — and that includes your septic pump.