Septic Systems

Graywater, Blackwater and Your Septic System

Complications with septic systems can mean leaks and contaminated water. There’s a chance that this wastewater carries biohazardous materials. To avoid threats to your health and the environment around you, you should have septic professionals work on your septic system. But, did you know that not all water in your septic system is dangerous? There are two terms you should know. Graywater and Blackwater. In this article, we will discuss these two terms and what you should know about both. What is Blackwater? Blackwater is about as ominous as it sounds. Blackwater contains high [...]

By |2018-10-11T15:10:50+00:00October 11th, 2018|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|

Effluent Filter Maintenance & Signs of a Failing Filter

Your septic system is made of several important components, including your systems effluent filter. Unseen and often forgotten, the effluent filter (or output filter) is an integral part in the health and longevity of your entire septic system. Like maintaining the rest of your septic system, effluent filter maintenance keeps your system healthy and doing its job. Luckily, effluent filter care is relatively inexpensive and can extend the life of your septic tank and drainfield. What is an Effluent Filter? Simply put, effluent filters are devices that filter your septic system’s wastewater (aka: effluent). [...]

By |2018-09-21T17:32:47+00:00September 21st, 2018|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|

Pets and Septic Systems – What You Need to Know

Once installed, you hope never to meet your septic system again except for scheduled maintenance routines. But, remember that bone your dog lost last year. Well, he found it — and the septic system. And that cat litter you flushed is now becoming an issue in the septic tank. Pets and septic systems bring their own sets of rules and potential problems. But, you can quickly get a handle on them ahead of time, stopping issues down the road. Pets and Septic Systems Video Pets and Septic Systems What [...]

By |2021-11-03T21:40:43+00:00August 31st, 2018|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|

3 Causes of Septic System Health Risks

We all know that septic systems need routine maintenance or else small problems can turn into bigger ones. Inexpensive fixes turn into expensive projects quickly if left unchecked. It could be as simple as a clogged toilet or a cracked septic tank that needs to be replaced. However, unfixed issues lead to more severe problems as well. Like your health. But, what are some septic system health risks and what do you need to know about them? How can you stop them before they happen? This post will inform you about the three major causes of septic related illnesses. [...]

By |2018-08-16T21:03:57+00:00August 16th, 2018|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|

6 Summer Septic Tips to Avoid Problems

Summertime is meant for family, vacations, and barbecues. It’s easy to get behind with responsibilities, especially your septic system upkeep. Don’t wait until the day of the big pool party to deal with a clogged toilet or septic system. Now is an excellent time to think about what you can do to prevent septic system problems, starting with these summer septic tips. Caring for your Clermont home septic system is key to having a fun and memorable summer. Below we’ve provided you with a convenient list of six summer septic tips to help you take care of your [...]

By |2018-07-13T17:07:35+00:00July 13th, 2018|Lake County, Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|

The Dangers of Grease Traps

If you’re a restaurant owner, you have heard of grease traps and the dangers of grease traps. If you haven’t, grease traps are devices necessary for catching major food particles and grease from a commercial kitchen before they enter the wastewater septic system. If you consult any “Do Not Flush” list, you will see grease at the top of the list. Many times, we don’t think about regular maintenance until there is a problem that needs to be fixed. Letting a grease trap go too long without cleaning can be dangerous and catastrophic. For your employees, customers, and restaurant [...]

By |2019-04-19T17:14:56+00:00July 6th, 2018|Commercial Buildings, Septic Systems|

Do Not Flush Rules and the Reasons Behind Them

A lot of septic care starts with how you treat your system.  This includes monitoring the items that you put into it through the sink or toilet. In fact, following Do Not Flush Rules is one of the biggest things you can do for your septic system. There are plenty of things on the list of Do Not Flush Rules that you may already know about. But, what you might not know is WHY you should not put those things into your septic system. So, here’s a list of things that you should not flush, and the reasons behind [...]

By |2018-06-29T16:05:40+00:00June 29th, 2018|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|

Medications and Septic Systems: Are They Safe to Flush?

We all know that there are substances that should not be flushed or put down the kitchen sink. Grease, coffee grounds, baby wipes are some of them. But, what about expired or unwanted medications? Yes, these go on the “do not flush” list too. Medications and septic systems don’t get along, even if they are “expired.” Pharmaceuticals vs. Over the Counter Medications So, what are we talking about when we say medications? We don’t necessarily include over-the-counter medicines. In the case of medications and septic systems, we focus on the ones that are prescribed to you by a medical professional. [...]

By |2018-06-15T15:09:45+00:00June 15th, 2018|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|

5 Types of Septic Tanks

So, you’re the owner of a new property and need to learn about the type of waste management system you now have. You could be connected to a larger municipal septic system or have your decentralized septic tank. And it goes further, considering the different types of septic tanks you could have. While repairs and replacements are uncommon, septic pumpings and general septic maintenance and care require knowing what type of tank your septic system uses. Perhaps, one type even works better for your property and household needs. Knowing your options will help you make a cost-effective and energy-efficient choice [...]

By |2018-06-07T15:18:28+00:00June 7th, 2018|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|

Tips for Avoiding Clogged Drains

Many calls we get begin with: "I think my septic tank is full. Can you come out and pump it?" While in some cases this is true, septic tanks usually only need to be emptied every 3-5 years. More often, the causes are clogged drains. Also, many of the items and practices causing drain clogs negatively impact your septic system as well. Here are a few tips for avoiding clogged drains while saving you a potential septic repair. Tips for Avoiding Clogged Drains Avoiding Bathroom Drain Clogs Regularly Remove and Clean the Stoppers The leading causes of bathroom clogs are [...]

By |2018-04-26T14:43:34+00:00April 26th, 2018|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|
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