Clean and well-functioning septic tanks are an essential component for many households. Staying up to date on necessary maintenance is fundamental to septic system upkeep, which means scheduling inspections every few years and ensuring your tank is pumped every 3-5 years. If you’ve noticed any odors, gurgling, clogging, or another issue with your septic tank, it’s time to call in the professionals.
Homeowners need to account for keeping their septic tank clean when creating their budget for the year. If an inspection or a pump is missed, this can lead to more costly problems down the road. Nobody wants to be dealing with an emergency clog or a backed-up sink and they always seem to happen at the least opportune moment.

Tips for Keeping Your Septic Tank Clean
Following the proper protocol for septic tank maintenance leads to a healthy septic tank. Allowing your tank to clog up can result in a layer of grime or sludge that prevents waste from breaking down as it should, therefore leaving you in danger of a backed-up toilet.
Keep Up With Septic Tank Pumps
There is no set rule as to how often septic tanks need to be pumped, as this depends on the water usage of the household. Generally, it’s within the 3-5 year range. If it’s nearly five years, you can confidently assume that your tank needs to be pumped. This is one of the most important aspects of clean septic tanks. Septic pump tanks act as a refresh by flushing out waste and preventing solids from building up to an unmanageable level.
Be Careful What You Flush
Issues can quickly arise within your septic tank if you flush things that aren’t intended to be flushed. This can include baby wipes, paper towels, personal care products, and a whole host of other items. Even wipes proclaiming to be safe for your septic system are notoriously prone to clogging your tank. These wipes inevitably form a large mass that must be removed.
Don’t Pour Chemicals Down the Drain
Septic systems need bacteria to function properly. When you throw household chemicals, such as drain cleaner or bleach, down your pipes — this can kill off the bacteria. You may notice stronger odors, as the healthy bacteria are unable to effectively break down the waste. To clean a drain while avoiding disruption to your septic system, make a homemade cleaner using biodegradable products such as baking soda.
Think Before You Use the Garbage Disposal
Many people don’t consider what they toss down the garbage disposal. However, this excess food can fill your septic tank with a layer of solid waste, which can be difficult to break down. Garbage disposals don’t turn food into a liquid but rather a smaller, chopped version of the food that can be passed down the pipes. If you find yourself with large amounts of food going down the disposal, consider a compost pile instead for excess fruits and veggies.
Avoid Driving or Parking Over Septic Tank
If a heavy object is placed above the septic tank, this can cause the system to work less efficiently and potentially break down altogether. Ensure that the area is well-marked to avoid any incidents. In some areas, the law forbids heavy machinery from being parked over a tank.
Need a Septic Tank Clean? We’ll Do the Dirty Work!
If your tank is needing to be pumped or you’ve noticed issues arising with your septic system, Advanced Septic Services can help. We specialize in septic repairs, inspections, drain field maintenance, and of course, septic tank pump-outs and maintenance. Give us a call or send us a message today to schedule an appointment.