It’s no secret that your septic system is a vital component of your home’s plumbing system. In fact, we have hundreds of articles about just that! To keep your septic happy and healthy, you want to follow the right tips, while ignoring septic system misconceptions.
That’s right. It’s not just bigfoot that’s a myth (although we know at least one person will want to debate that statement). Some septic myths are floating around, as well.
Do you want to avoid spending thousands of dollars on a septic system repair? If so, keep reading to learn about five common septic system misconceptions.

Common Septic System Misconceptions You Should Ignore
From toilets to drains to septic tanks to drain fields, it’s all part of your septic system. So, what do you need to know?
1. Toilets Can Flush Anything
Toilets are some of the most important functional aspects of a plumbing system. Often, people confuse that fact by believing that they can flush simply anything down a toilet.
Furthermore, even people familiar with their septic tanks make the mistake of flushing unsuitable items down their toilets, harming their septic tanks.
There are some items you should never flush down a toilet, such as diapers and clothes. Nonetheless, these items are examples that septic owners are flushing every day (that they shouldn’t be):
- Feminine hygiene products
- Baby wipes
- Condoms
- Paper towels
- Cotton balls or swabs
- Harsh chemicals
These items are improperly disposed of by thousands of people across the country. Avoid flushing any of them to preserve your septic tank.
2. You Can Repair Your Own Septic Tank
Homeowners, as well as ordinary people, are famous for finding alternatives that can save them money. I mean, hello, YouTube!
However, repairing a septic tank is and never should be a DIY project. Septic tank professionals use specialized equipment to do their jobs, and they rely on industry experience and knowledge to complete their tasks.
Therefore, if your drains are clogged because of your septic tank, realize that harsh, store-bought drain cleaner won’t work. Only a reliable septic tank professional will be of assistance.
3. Maintenance Doesn’t Matter
Here’s a question – if your car’s check engine light came on, what would you do?
Would you ignore it and wait until your car experiences a significant problem, or would you take it to a mechanic?
Like cars, septic tanks need to be maintained. Unfortunately, septic tanks don’t have check engine lights. For this reason, it’s essential to schedule routine maintenance services with your septic tank professional to troubleshoot issues before they become increasingly problematic.
One of the big septic system misconceptions is because it is underground, you don’t have to think about it. That’s not true — maintain your septic system!
4. Septic Tanks are Built to Last
While it is true that septic tanks are built to last 20-30 years, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take care of it. Several factors can determine the life cycle of your septic tank.
Therefore, make sure you are prioritizing the health of your septic tank to prevent eventual collapse.
5. Soap Will Eliminate Grease in Sinks
Anyone that has washed dishes knows that they can use soap or detergent to eliminate grease. Still, this doesn’t mean that you should pour grease down your sink, thinking the soap will magic it away.
Small amounts of grease can wreak havoc on your septic tank. With that said, dispose of grease in a trash can before washing any dirty dishes.
Keep Your Septic System Healthy
You shouldn’t let false information and septic system misconceptions put you on the road to septic failure. If you are concerned about your septic system, give us a call at (352) 242-6100 to learn more about how we can help you.