The liquids that you allow into your septic directly impact how efficiently the tank will be able to function and the longevity of your system as a whole. Many homeowners have not been adequately educated on what should and should not go down their drain.
Some everyday household products and liquids can cause a great deal of damage to your septic system and may lead to an expensive repair. Avoiding these bad liquids for your septic can help save you money and your tank for many years.
Bad Liquids for Your Septic
Tossing out your stale morning pot of coffee may sound like no big deal, but the acidity of the coffee can affect your septic tank’s pH balance. Also, any leftover coffee grounds that are washed down the drain can lead to a build-up within the tank that may eventually clog it and cause it to become backed up.
Soda is often full of sugar and high in acidity, which, similar to coffee, can alter the delicate pH balance of your septic tank. While it’s unlikely that you’re dumping large amounts of soda out regularly, it’s something to be aware of next time you don’t finish your can of Coke.
Like soda, juice tends to have high sugar content. It can be relatively acidic, making it one of the bad liquids for your septic. Having a proper pH balance within your tank is vital for the microbes — so you don’t want to throw off balance. If your family prefers juice with pulp, the pulp can stick to the sides of the tank and may be difficult to scrape off later.
Bleach is the king of bad liquids for your septic.
Bleach may be your go-to choice for disinfecting surfaces within your home. However, it can wreak havoc on your septic system and cause damage to your drains and even eat away at the inner walls of your septic tank. Bleach can also be toxic to the good bacteria within your tank, which you need for your system to work efficiently.
Drain Cleaners
While a liquid drain cleaner may seem like the perfect solution for that stubborn clog you have in your kitchen sink, it can result in a much bigger issue within your septic system. Once the drain cleaner reaches the leach field, the harmful ingredients can potentially cause environmental problems and present dangers to the surrounding plants and wildlife.
Once you’re done frying on the stove, you may be tempted to throw the leftover oil down the drain to dispose of it. This oil can solidify and cause blockages within your pipes. Once it reaches your septic tank, it will form a floating layer within the tank that harms the efficiency of your system overall and can lead to a clog.
Antibacterial Soap
Your septic tank works best when it has the proper level of healthy bacteria working inside of it. Introducing a toxic liquid into the mix can slow down the process.
Since antibacterial soap is specifically made to kill bacteria, it can also harm the beneficial microbes living within your tank. Regular soap is easier on your septic system, and you can rest assured that your hands will be just as clean.
Laundry Detergent
Like drain cleaner, laundry detergent (and dishwasher detergent) can harm the beneficial bacteria within your tank. They can also cause your groundwater to become contaminated once it reaches your drain field. Phosphate-free detergents are easier on the environment and can reduce this issue significantly.
Need Your Septic Tank Pumped Out? We Can Help!
If you’re concerned that you may have an improper pH balance within your septic tank, call us atAdvanced Septic Services. We’d be happy to test the levels for you. We can also pump out your tank for problem prevention and help maintain an efficient septic system.