Any homeowner with a septic system should know the basics of maintaining their septic, including scheduling a septic tank pumping within your tank’s schedule. It’s an essential piece to the septic care puzzle. Avoiding getting your septic tank pumped could lead to some inconvenient and smelly problems.


Because your septic tank has an important job and needs all the help, it can get from you and your household. Any water or waste that is used in your house heads through pipes out to your septic tank. There, the waste naturally separates with the help of healthy bacteria. The solid waste, or sludge, settles at the bottom of the tank, allowing the liquid to continue out through pipes to the leach field. If any part of the process fails, it can lead to waste backing up into your house.

Even though the system is very efficient, the solid waste in your septic tank will eventually fill up. This makes it difficult and even impossible for the liquid in the tank to push through to the leach field. Or causing the solid waste to try to push through the pipes as well, causing clogs.

A septic pump-out is done using a large vacuum hose. Your septic company will use this to clean out your septic tank thoroughly. They will also check the inlet and outlet pipes for any clogging and clean those out as well, if necessary.

When Should I Pump My Septic Tank?

Your septic tank should be pumped when the solid waste reaches 30 to 50 percent capacity, usually every three to five years. 

Keep in mind that other variables may affect your septic system and require additional attention, including:

  • household size, 
  • how much water is used by your household, 
  • what you are pouring down drains or flushing down toilets, including chemical cleaners like Drano,
  • roots growing into the system and causing blockages, or
  • if you are experiencing any plumbing issues.

You can discuss this with your septic company and set up a regular septic tank pumping schedule tailored to your septic tank and household.

Photo of Septic Tank Being PumpedWhat to Do After a Septic Tank Pumping

After you have had your septic tank pumped by a trusted septic company, there are some things you can and should do as the septic system owner. 

1) Get on a Schedule

Ensure that you set up a regular pumping schedule with your septic company to not lose track of time or wait until there are more severe signs of trouble with the system. 

2) Take Care of the System

If you don’t want to pump your tank before your next scheduled septic tank pumping, you’ll want to take a few steps to help your system out. 

Only flush waste and toilet paper and never flush things like feminine hygiene products, cotton balls, and “flushable” wipes.

Consider what you pour down your drains as well. Oil and grease poured down the drain and misusing garbage disposal can cause serious problems in your septic tank. 

Be conscious of the water usage in your home. Laundry, long showers, even running the water while you brush your teeth can flush your system with too much water, causing an imbalance of solid and liquid in the tank. 

3) Know the Parts of Your System 

Be aware of the different parts of your septic system. Not only will it help you understand your system, but it will also help your septic technician easily find other parts and troubleshoot any issues. Suppose your septic company knows where the septic tank is. In that case, they can more quickly and efficiently pump it without using special tools to find it. 

As the homeowner, it is beneficial to know where the leach field is since you should have only grass and short-rooted plants over the drain field. Too much weight or too powerful of roots can cause significant issues for your system.

4) Check Other Possible Issues

If you recently had your septic tank pumped and are still experiencing plumbing issues, there could be a clog or break in your pipes. You can have your septic company check your pipes using a camera to look through the lines. They can then repair any issues that they encounter. 

The other possible culprit would be the leach field. Have your septic company check that water is flowing to your leach field and draining correctly. If your leach field is flooded, your septic company can add extra lines or restructure your drain field. 

We Are Here to Help with Your Septic Needs

Each septic system is different. Depending on household needs and water usage, the timeline for maintenance may vary. Make sure to discuss any questions with your septic company to get more specific guidance and information. 

Contact Advanced Septic Services today to set up a regular septic tank pumping schedule and get any questions answered. We proudly serve the central Florida area!