Advanced Septic Services

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So far Advanced Septic Services has created 164 blog entries.

How to Dispose of Kitchen Grease Safely

Any avid home cook knows that pouring kitchen grease down the drain is a bad idea. Disposing of grease by dumping it down that drain can lead to clogged pipes and an emergency call to your local septic service. There are several ways to safely dispose of kitchen grease that protect your drains, pipes, and septic tank. Even a tiny amount of oil poured down the drain can build up and become a much larger problem, eventually wreaking havoc on your septic system. Grease comes in many forms, from cooking with butter, margarine, shortening, vegetable oil, meat fat, and [...]

By |2022-12-13T15:50:23+00:00December 13th, 2022|Septic Tank Care|

Replace or Repair Your Septic System?

If you are a homeowner and are responsible for a septic system, this is a conundrum you'll likely face at some point. Should you replace or repair your septic system? One may be significantly more expensive than the other, which makes the decision stressful. Calling in a trusted local professional can help guide you toward the direction you should take. If repair bills have been building up, it may be time to replace the system before disaster strikes and it breaks down altogether. How to Decide Whether to Replace or Repair Your Septic When [...]

By |2022-11-22T16:52:10+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Septic Installation, Septic Tank Care|

Fall Septic Maintenance

Once fall rolls around, homeowners should prepare their homes for the ensuing winter months, even in Florida! As you're completing your fall septic maintenance schedule, there are several items you should add to your to-do list to adequately prepare your septic system. Your septic system should be maintained according to schedule throughout the year. When homeowners neglect to care for their system, it has a propensity for becoming clogged, cracked, and liable to give you more trouble than you bargained for. Our Recommended Fall Septic Maintenance Florida has one of the mildest winters in [...]

By |2022-11-16T19:49:37+00:00November 16th, 2022|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|

Tips for New Septic Tank Owners

If you've recently moved into a home with a septic system, you may be uncertain as to what that entails. Homeowners may find that they are used to homes built on a sewer system. New septic tank owners should familiarize themselves with some basic guidelines to ensure they understand their new system. Septic tank systems fall under the responsibility of the homeowner, so there are a few things to bear in mind. Inspections should be done yearly and pumping every 3-5 years. Spending the time and money to maintain the system properly will ensure that it continues to work [...]

By |2022-10-21T17:05:34+00:00October 21st, 2022|Septic Tank Care|

Hurricanes and Septic Systems

Hurricane season inevitably brings the possibility of severe and damaging weather. As always, it's best to be prepared before disaster strikes and there are steps every homeowner should take to protect their septic system this year. And to have a plan in place for after the storm passes to get your system back up and running. Nobody wants to return home after a hurricane only to find thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to their septic system. This can spiral an already stressful situation into an even more expensive one. When hurricane-force winds and storm surges are headed to [...]

By |2022-10-13T18:00:14+00:00October 13th, 2022|Lake County, Septic Systems, Uncategorized|

Why is My Toilet Bubbling?

No homeowner wants to hear the unsettling sound of a bubbling toilet. This is something that should be looked at right away, as it's never a good sign. Often, a toilet bubbling requires the help of a professional plumber who can diagnose and resolve the issue. A toilet bubbling is often a clear alert that something worse is to come unless immediate action is taken. Ignoring the bubbling sound can result in a much larger (and more expensive) problem within your toilets and septic systems. What Are the Causes of a Toilet Bubbling? If [...]

By |2022-09-20T16:26:30+00:00September 20th, 2022|Septic Systems|

Septic Lift Stations – What Are They There For?

Generally, homeowners don't have much reason to be concerned with the inner workings of their septic lift stations until something has gone awry. These stations are an integral part of the sewage system. They can quickly become an emergency should something fail due to a lack of preventative service. Lift stations are responsible for moving wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher one. The nature of gravity forces the necessity of such a system to be in place for the waste to reach its next destination, usually a water treatment plant or drain field. The complex system of [...]

By |2022-08-03T20:33:22+00:00August 3rd, 2022|Septic Systems|

What to Do When You Have Drainage Problems

Experiencing drainage problems can be a frustrating experience for any homeowner. If you're indecisive about when to call in the plumber, the issue may escalate into an emergency. Depending on what type of drainage issue you're experiencing, you may be able to pinpoint and resolve the root cause yourself. Other times, the pros should be brought in to assess and repair the problem, which will likely save you money down the line. Common Household Drainage Issues Suppose you commonly experience drainage issues such as slow drains, recurring clogs, or foul odors. In that case, [...]

By |2022-07-26T19:31:37+00:00July 26th, 2022|Septic Tank Care|

Bad Liquids for Your Septic

The liquids that you allow into your septic directly impact how efficiently the tank will be able to function and the longevity of your system as a whole. Many homeowners have not been adequately educated on what should and should not go down their drain. Some everyday household products and liquids can cause a great deal of damage to your septic system and may lead to an expensive repair. Avoiding these bad liquids for your septic can help save you money and your tank for many years. Bad Liquids for Your Septic Coffee Tossing [...]

By |2022-06-07T15:52:21+00:00June 7th, 2022|Septic Tank Care|

Should You Put a Deck Over Your Septic Tank?

With summer right around the corner, you may be considering putting up that deck you've been talking about for the past few years. After all, a beautifully finished deck makes a great home improvement project and a relaxing space for entertaining guests. When drawing up the plans for your new deck or patio, don't make the mistake of forgetting about your septic tank! Many people don't consider their tank as it's often buried underground and not immediately visible. Take the time to locate your tank before you begin any construction projects. Should You Put [...]

By |2022-05-13T17:40:01+00:00May 13th, 2022|Septic Systems, Septic Tank Care|
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